2 Jun 2010

I woke up at 1.30pm and ate 3 roti pratas with cuury which was cooked by my sister. Then, I helped to wash the dishes as my sis told me to do so. I switched on my computer and started to write my testimonial which due today. I referred to my report book and typed everything down in table form. I took a break as I got a little bit tired after typing. So, I went to play on the piano. I played until I feel very pissed off, and nearly banged on the piano keys. URGH! I cooked rice at 6pm as my mother told me to do so. When my mum took out the rice from the cooking pot, she praised me saying that the rice was fluffy and have the fragrance. LOL! While everybody were chatting at the table, we mentioned about my mum who does not know how to use bluetooth. It was damn funny! I was laughing until my tears came out.

Here is part of the conversation we had at the table:

Mum: I prefer using bluetooth than the earpiece as the earpiece shuts me off from the world.
Bro: To the virtual world.
Sis: You use 2?
Mum: Ya.
Me, sis, bro: LOL! No wonder.
Me: Obviously it will shut you off.
Sis: You have the option to use 1.
Mum: When I use one side, it is not balanced.
Me, sis, bro: LOL!
Me: I am going to post this on Facebook saying,"my mum does not know how to use a bluetooth".

Bluetooth also don't know how to use. What is the point of buying? Although she has a Facebook account, she does not know how to use as in change her settings. LOL! Doesn't she know that there is a thing called exploring. My brother told us that my cousin's mum went to Ikea to find her $1 coin in the trolley. LOL! So embarassing. It is just a dollar.

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